Where to make simple, black & white name card in Tokyo?

I want to make very simple name card (without color or logo), in limited quantity (100) with Romanji and katakana. No need high quality paper.
Anyone can recommend in Tokyo a place that is affordable and can do on the spot ? Or an automatic printing machine for name cards ?
(I can recommend a place in Kyoto)

Hi Matthieu,
I’ve never actually used one but don’t pretty much all the hanko shops have a cheap service that does that?
Hankoya 21 is one that I remember off the top of my head. A quick look at their site says they do 100 cards for 1,480yen.

(although that little ~ means “from” so hard to tell what the actual price is)
Extra bonus, you can order by fax!

I can confirm that Hankoya did a good job for me in the past. Same case as Matthieu (simple, black and white).
I speak Japanese though. I prepared a model with my laser printer, in English with extra furigana just for my name. It was not on the spot but they delivered promptly by Japan Post. It was inexpensive.