What pass to get? Confused

Flying into HND then straight to Yokohama for 2 nights, then Osaka for 3, then back to Tokyo for 8.

What is my best option when it comes to travel by train. Do I buy a pass, multiple?

I’m honestly very confused by which is my best option.

Your best option is to just buy tickets - either online or at the train station. The passes are not good value for that itinerary.


I have similar question along the same lines. I hope its alright.
My cheap tour Tokyo hotel is in Chiba. I know Hotel the Manhattan is near Kaihin Makuhari Station, which i believe is in JR East Keiyo line. I saw the Tokonai(JR trains) all day pass on your site . But can’t find the Keiyo line listed.
I have 1 free day, so hoping an all day metro Tokyo pass include the Kaihin Makunari Stn, so i can pack as much seeing/doing/eating in metro tokyo and get back to hotel on one travel pass… skimping on travel splurge on food and sights
Thank you in advance

Hi there,
Kaihin Makuhari is on the JR Keiyo Line so you can’t use a Tokyo Metro pass to ride it. For straight back and forth trips, just use a SUICA/Pasmo. Passes are only a good deal for longer travel or if you go crazy and take 5 trips in a day.

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