Favourite solo hangout/activity

What’s your favourite thing to do or place to go when you’re taking on Tokyo on your lonesome?

I’m all about the beach, usually Kamakura since it’s only 1 hour from Shibuya area and there’s some nice cafes to hang out in too.

I like to go to places where you aren’t meant to talk anyway - like galleries and museums, then you can go at your own pace.

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I’m a big fan of solo karaoke…because sometimes emulating Mariah Carey is a private thing.

Read a book in the park or a cafe, depending on the weather. Or enter a department store at random and go (window) shopping, there’s so many fun shops here.

I like how in Japan it’s never frowned upon to go for lunch by yourself. Just because you don’t have plans with someone shouldn’t mean you can’t enjoy a nice meal :slight_smile: