December 2018 in Japan

Anybody can tell me what’s the best deal with bullet train tickets and were to go with it without hassle like round trips planning

Hi Lolita,

The best deal is either a JR Pass, for multiple trips, or a special round-trip ticket through Japanican. See our guide to JR Passes for more info:


This is really so confusing but I will get the maps from the embassy by end of week I will have a better understanding. Being so Osaka or mid japan this time since I shortly been there already in my 1st visit. But I also got me tickets to go to Perfume concert so that will be my only short trip.

My main focus this time is skiing areas and Mount Fuji where I have booked hotel already.

That’s why I want to know whats the best tren ticket deal for me.

Thank you for the reply. I really appreciate it.