Meet friends and your future spouse through... Dodgeball!

Yep! So far we have fourteen dodgeball marriages. So it works.

We’re a dodgeball group that plays weekly in places like Shibuya, Shinjuku, Takadanobaba, and Jiyugaoka, but we’re a social group above all. There’s almost always a hangout after the game and we welcome anyone!

Not good at sports? Well, dodgeball isn’t a ‘normal’ sport that people play their whole lives, so you are expected to be bad your first game. Trust me, we have long-term members who were terrible at first. But if you just want to have fun and hang out at the bar afterwards that’s more important than being ‘good’. Yes, we do have some skilled players now but they all started from zero, just like you.


  • New in town?
  • Looking to expand your friend group while also getting a light workout in?
  • Wanting to just try something new?
  • …Single??

Then come out, have some fun, and bring zero dignity!

The easiest way to join is to check out our schedule on Meetup.

You can also drop us a line on Facebook or Instagram at @tokyo_dodgeball