Interesting place in japan

haii all…

i’m stevany i have plan go to japan next year precisely may 2017…

can you give me suggestion about a few thing like the interesting places like tample, place which have some tradition japan culture, waterfall or garden or some festival in that month, japan tradirtional dance, etc…

and also the recomended traditional place for eat and drink or coffeeshop which not to expensive, shopping places??

and can you give me the suggetion about the living places like guest house??

you can give me the suggestion in website if you have,
or you can give me the suggestion directly so i no need open the website please

thank for your help guys…

Hi Stevany!

I’d recommend you start with this article “A Beginners Guide to Tokyo”. And for some easy ideas for what to do in Tokyo, try the itinerary section.

For accommodation, check out the accommodation section and our accommodation guide.

Hope that helps!

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